Student Designed Courses


Learning at its best is an authentic process of inquiry born from imagination, curiosity, interest and passion from the heart.  IVL scripts entire courses around this concept.

Student designed courses guide students through an inquiry into the world and themselves–global trends in creative invention, and exercises and activities to journey into personal interests and  aptitudes.  Students then are mentored through the design of their own project or research paths, developing a  sense of purpose through matching personal inclinations with service to humanity.  “Service” is defined broadly and can be leveraged in many contexts,  through the arts, STEM disciplines, innovation for sustainability, ethical civic engagement and action, teaching, and more.

Student designed courses are constructed by students with mentorship and facilitation of their instructor.  Each course is entirely unique, a reflection of the inspiration and curiosity of its designer.

Click here to view a sample project proposal document used for students to launch the culminating project segment of a student designed course.